Setting up ProBoard with Net2BBS

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Setting up ProBoard with Net2BBS

Post by slasher » Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:18 pm

NetFoss was tested with ProBoard BBS for DOS version 2.16 and higher.
Replace C for your actual hard drive letter, if you did not use the C Drive.
Here is how to configure it:

1) Extract ProBoard in c:\pb
A. Create directories for each node such as c:\pb\node1
and c:\pb\node2 etc. *THIS IS A MUST!*
B. Your directory should look like this:


2) Create a RUNPB.BAT in the ProBoard Directory, which looks like this:

set proboard=c:\pb
\pb\proboard.exe -B115200 -N%1

The -B115200 switch tells ProBoard to assume that the caller is
already connected to the modem at that speed.
The -N%1 passes the node number, since %1 is replaced with the
node number when the batch file is run.

3) Unzip the NetFoss files into a directory such as c:\netfoss\ and also
unzip the included NET2BBS.ZIP into the same directory.
Copy NETFOSS.DLL into the \windows\system32\ directory.
This can ONLY be done from a Command Prompt which was opened using
"Run As Administrator" (right click on its icon to select this) in Windows
Vista and above. However this can also be done from dragging NETFOSS.DLL
in Windows Explorer to the \windows\system32\ folder.

4) Configure a Telnet Server to run the NF.BAT and the RUNPB.BAT
batch files. If you are using the included Net2BBS Telnet Server,
then edit your Net2BBS.INI file to use a command line like this:

Command=c:\netfoss\nf.bat /n*N /h*H c:\pb\runpb.bat *N

5) For maximum file transfer speed, install Public Domain ZModem
(PD ZModem) as an external protocol in ProBoard. This runs several
times faster then the ProBoard internal ZModem or FDSZ. The commands
below are the data lines to use in ProCFG for PD ZModem.

Download cmd: *2*Z C:\PB\ZM.EXE -C*P -f sz @DSZCTL.TXT
Upload cmd: *2*Z C:\PB\ZM.EXE -C*P -f rz

6) Run NET2BBS.EXE, and it is ready to accept telnet connections.

*Also please note the only way you can run DOOR32 programs under ProBoard for DOS, you must use Net2BBS! You can not use NetSerial or GameSrv.*
Buy the ProBoard Manual in paperback: ... pageSize=4

*Yes I'm selling the paperback with permission from Jason Bock!*

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